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Plastic free July

Plastic Free July

Join the Movement

This month, GreenHub is joining millions of people around the world who are taking part in Plastic Free July. Together, we will be giving up single-use plastic to raise awareness about how widespread disposable plastic is in our daily life. 

By swapping single-use items for more sustainable options, we will be creating cleaner, healthier communities, cities, oceans and forests. 

Plastic Pollution in Vietnam

Tackling plastic waste management is one of the greatest challenges facing Vietnam. Urgent action is required to tackle this growing environmental issue and address the negative impacts plastic pollution is having on our health, natural environment, economy, and more. 

facts about pollution in Vietnam

The Challenge

Tackling plastic pollution requires deep-reaching solutions across a range of levels by a variety of actors, including people just like you. By taking part in Plastic Free July, you’ll become part of the solution to plastic pollution and start making a difference one item at a time. 

Every day in July we’ll be sharing a post about how you can tackle plastic pollution in your everyday life. 

Will you join us in taking the plastic-free pledge? 

Make a Plan 

The best way to get involved in #PlasticFreeJuly is to create a plan.

Step 1: Go through your house and make a list of all the single-use plastic items in your life. 

Step 2: Visit Plastic Free July to figure out the best alternatives to your current products or practices.

Step 3: Choose which actions you’re going to focus on this July. 

Step 4: Start eliminating plastic from your life! 

Step 5: Share your stories about your journey with your friends and family so you can motivate them to take action as well. 

You can choose to participate in a way that suits your situation: whether you’re a plastic warrior or this is your first attempt, you can choose a level that suits you. You can choose to participate for a day, week, or entire month. We’re hoping that the habits you pick up during this time will stay with you beyond July.  

And remember, don’t be too hard on yourself if you slip up – changing behaviour patterns can be hard but the longer you practice, the easier it becomes (just like exercise really!).  

Plastic Free July is just one way that GreenHub is combatting plastic pollution. Read more about our other work fighting plastic pollution here.  
