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VNZW – Cat Ba

Project Title:
Building Vietnam’s Zero Waste Movement Through Coastal Strongholds
Strategy 1:
Establish zero waste models at coastal pilots and then adjacent cities
Cat Ba (Hai Phong)
3 years (2019 – 2021)

Project summary:
The Project is in Zero Waste Network in Vietnam aims at “Zero Waste” in 5 pilot areas in Vietnam (Cat Ba / Ha Long, Xuan Thuy, Cu Lao Cham, Da Nang, Phu Quoc). Cat Ba is one of 5 coastal localities selected for project implementation, this is a locality with many important areas such as the National Park and World Biosphere Reserve of Cat Ba. In the face of serious plastic waste pollution in coastal areas, Cat Ba is necessary to launch a campaign to reduce waste for environmental protection and conservation ecosystem of the area.

Specific objectives of the project within three years, the pilot models in Cat Ba and Ha Long reduce 25% of local waste by waste reduction methods. These methods are developed and implemented by NGOs in the Zero Waste Vietnam network alliance in coordination with local authorities and the participation of selected objects.

Outcome #1: Develop plastic waste reduction plan and pilot implementation in target audiences

Activity #1: Coordinate with the partners to develop plans to reduce plastic waste of the target (restaurants, hotels, markets)

  • Survey on the current situation single use of plastic at restaurants, hotels and markets at Cat Hai District.
  • Coordinate with Cat Hai authorities to organize the dialogue to share survey results and consult the solutions to minimizing using single-use plastic of targets in Cat Ba town. Survey on the current situation single use of plastic at restaurants, hotels and markets at Cat Hai District.

Activity #2: Pilot implementation of solution to reduce single-use plastic products

  • Propaganda to raise awareness about minimizing using single-use plastic. Using public radio, propaganda sessions in the towns and communes disseminate solutions to minimize plastic waste
  • Appling the solution for waste management (sorting, making bio- detergent from organic waste) in a market, (Target for waste reduction in first year of the project is 5%. Goal will rise to 20% in Year 2 of the project).
  • Supporting the pilot using alternative materials for single-use plastic. Supplying reuse bags woman, supporting to replace plastic straws for some targets (restaurants, hotels, etc) in Cat Ba town.
    Propaganda to raise awareness about minimizing using single-use plastic. Using public radio, propaganda sessions in the towns and communes disseminate solutions to minimize plastic waste.

Outcome #2: Strengthening cooperation between GreenHub and Cat Hai authorities to reduce single-use plastic and stop using single-use plastic products in Cat Ba

Activity #1: 01 meeting with Cat Hai district people’s committee to discuss about how to support district government in plastic single use waste management

Activity #2: Meeting/Round Table of tourism companies (restaurants and hotels, etc) and Cat Hai district people’s committee about reducing the single use plastic, exhibition of plastic recycling (in connection with VUSTA event)
