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Launching the project “Accelerating Socio-Economic Development and Reducing Multidimensional Poverty among Ethnic Minorities in Vietnam” in Son La.

Project “Accelerating Socio-Economic Development and Reducing Multidimensional Poverty in Ethnic Minorities in Vietnam”

On June 16, 2021, the Kick-off Workshop of the project “Accelerating socio-economic development and reducing multidimensional poverty among ethnic minorities in Vietnam” (SEDEMA) took place successfully with the participation of participants. by representatives of the GREAT Son La Project Management Board, representatives of the Committee on Ethnic Minorities, United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Green Development Support Center (GreenHub), Cooperative Alliance and all participants in Son La province.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Thanh Van – Deputy Director of GreneHub . Green Development Support Center

As a member of the coordination committee, we believe that the project “Accelerating socio-economic development and reducing multidimensional poverty among ethnic minorities in Vietnam” in Son La area will reap many successes. Through the support activities from the project, ethnic minorities in Son La and especially women will find a way to develop sustainable economic development and maintain a stable life thanks to their own strengths and take advantage of their local advantages.

Mr. Doan Huu Minh – Representative of UNDP in Vietnam

Let’s follow the next activities of the project with Greenhub and look forward to the positive changes coming from your cooperatives and businesses in Son La!
