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Event “Handover ceremony of green houses & waste bins made from recycled plastics to Hoi An City”

On March 10, 2022, at Hoi An’s Central Committee of Vietnamese Fatherland Front, the Hoi An City People’s Committee, Hoi An Women’s Union, with the support of the Centre for Supporting Green Development (GreenHub) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), organized the event “Handover ceremony of green houses & waste bins made from recycled plastics to Hoi An city”. 

This event is carried out within the framework of the Strategic Partnership Program between IUCN and the Packaging Recycling Organization Vietnam (PRO Vietnam), the Marine Plastics and Coastal Communities (MARPLASTICCs) funded by Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), implemented by IUCN and the project “Local Solutions for Plastic Pollution” – sponsored by the United States Agency for International Development, conducted by GreenHub.

With unremitting efforts to reduce plastic waste and raise public awareness of waste classification, the Centre for Supporting Green Development (Greenhub), in conjunction with IUCN Vietnam, handed over  54 green houses made from recycled plastics to the Hoi An Women’s Union. 

The activity aims to mobilize the participation of cadres and women’s union members in the environmental protection movement, specifically in reducing single-use plastic waste, contributing to the implementation of Directive no.  801/KH-UBND,  April  07,  2021, of  Hoi  An City  People’s Committee on “Strengthening management and minimizing the use of single-use plastics, and improving the efficiency of at-source waste reduction, separation and treatment”.

“This is not a new model but has practical significance, suitable for each residential area and the difference is that the roof of this Green House is recycled from low-value plastic waste (Reform garbage) such as plastic bags, milk cartons, plastic spoons, candy shells… etc., thereby creating a life cycle for low-value waste from sorting, collecting to recycling into valuable products used in daily life, while raising residents’ awareness to form a habit of daily waste classification, especially plastic bags and single-use plastic products to reduce pressure on the city’s waste collection, waste management, and waste treatment that are overloaded, and at the same time help 54 women’s associations build funds to operate and take care of social security for women and children in extremely difficult circumstances, suffering from serious illnesses such as gifts, insurance cards…etc.

It can be said that this Green House model, when put into operation effectively, can create a spillover in the community and foster visitors to join in the implementation, contributing to the construction of Hoi An – Eco – Culture – Tourism City”. 

Ms. Ngo Thi Tuyet Nhung – Chairwoman of the Hoi An Women’s Union.

“With the idea of ​​turning trash into a trash can, we are very pleased to receive the support from the Hoi An City People’s Committee, especially the Department of Natural Resources & Environment of the city. We believe that this is a very meaningful activity because placing more trash cans in the area will increase the consciousness of residents and tourists in throwing trash in the right place. Moreover, the three-compartment design of the trash can will help people sort waste at source, facilitate local collection, an important link in promoting recycling and the circular economy in Vietnam. People and tourists will have more confidence in the classification of garbage because they have seen the product itself is made from recycled plastic waste, rather than sorting garbage and then re-mixing it at the landfill as before”.

Ms. Bui Thi Thu Hien – IUCN Coastal and Marine Program Coordinator.

“GreenHub, together with IUCN Vietnam, will hand over 54 Green Houses to 13 women’s union branches in 13 communes and wards to manage and operate. Not stopping at the donation, we will continue to accompany the Hoi An Women’s Union to design and implement other plastic waste reduction activities. In the near future, the location of Green Houses along with the collected and treated plastic waste data will be provided and updated. Through the training program and companion in operation, we believe that green houses will be the points for sorting and collecting plastic waste in general and low-value plastic waste in particular, connecting the chain to the recycling plant, creating a new life cycle for them. At the same time, placing the trash cans in several locations also helps to limit plastic waste leaking into the environment, exerting impacts on people and nature.”

Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu Trang – Deputy Director of Centre for Supporting Green Development (GreenHub).

The event is organized within the scope of the project “Local Solutions for Plastic Pollution” (LSPP) sponsored by USAID under the program “Vietnam Local Works for Environmental Health”, implemented by GreenHub and 03 partners (ISPONRE, HUPH-VOHUN, GIMASYS).
