We had an Office Retreat trip in Sapa town, Lao Cai province on 19th August. This is area that Greenhub set up a project assisting ethnic minorities to develop businesses in the industry 4.0 era.

2 days on the exploring roads of H’mong and Dao Đỏ’s culture, Greenhub had an opportunity to immerse in the beautiful nature and perceive from the livelihood stories of local children. At the that time, we also provided support and advice for Tả Phìn‘s co- operative about model and service of eco-tourism.

In addition, GreenHub staffs joined teambuilding, built the organization’s development strategy in the next 5 years, especially looked back on the last 1 year of operation to learn from experience, share and connect together! After this field trip, officials would surely be energized to work positively for environmental and community projects in the future.