Quang Nam, September 30th 2021, The People’s Committee of Hoi An City and Quang Nam Tourism Association have signed and announced the “Planning Framework of Business on Plastic Waste Reduction Towards Hoi An – A Green Destination (2021-2023)”.
Due to Covid-19’s impact, the situation of production, businesses, especially services such as tourism in Hoi An suffered various difficulties. Aiming towards a sustainable development of Tourism in Hoi An, recovery in post-pandemic period, preserve and promoting local culture, history and community culture value, natural landscape, the Launch Event and Signing Ceremony of “Planning Framework of Business on Plastic Waste Reduction and Towards Hoi An – A Green Destination (2021-2023)” was organized. This is an important stepping stone for Hoi An to become a Green Destination, attracting domestic and foreign tourists.
Speaking about the city’s policy in reducing plastic waste, Mr. Nguyen Minh Ly – Vice Chairman of the People’s Committee of Hoi An City – said: “The transition of the tourist market towards green and ecologically friendly tourism in the post-Covid-19 period is a positive step that requires stakeholders’ attention. Economic development does not always imply an increase in waste volume. A sustainable economic and social paradigm, on the other hand, is achievable if all stakeholders commit to engaging in and facilitating waste reduction.”
The Planning Framework of Business was signed and publicly announced as a turning point for local tourism activities with 3 main activities, including i) connection of a waste recycling network in Hoi An, ii) practice evaluating results at enterprises, and iii) promoting Hoi An’s branding in Green Destination. Mr. Phan Xuan Thanh – Chairman of Quang Nam Tourism Association demonstrated a determination and commitment to implement the activities listed in the Framework of Business, steadfastly following the green tourism path: “The corporate action framework will encourage trash reduction, plastic waste reduction and the establishment of a recycling ecosystem for a green-sustainable tourist plan aimed at making Hoi An a green destination by 2023.”
Ms. Bui Thi Thu Hien – Marine and Coastal Program Coordinator of International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) – shared about providing support on Hoi An’s Journey to reality their plan to become a green destination, towards sustainable development: “The idea of the Planning Framework was first conceived by IUCN, Quang Nam Tourism Association, and the Department of Natural Resources & Environment of Hoi An in 2019. Today, we are delighted to witness how the concept has come to fruition with the collaboration and commitment of 36 local businesses. In the following months, IUCN will continue to cooperate with local governments and the partner organizations to put this plan into action, hoping that more companies will participate in fostering a recycling ecosystem that contributes to reducing solid waste in general and plastic waste in particular in Hoi An city.”
Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu Trang – Co-founder, Deputy Director of Centre for Supporting Green Development (GreenHub) also shared: “GreenHub implements the Local Solutions to Plastic Pollution (LSPP) project in Hoi An, funded by USAID, with a hope to motivate local initiatives in business sectors, particularly in tourism field, connecting stakeholders, aiming at building Hoi An to become a green destination, reducing plastic waste, developing a circular economy, a basis for scaling up to other localities and the whole country.”