Bridgefest 2019 event took place extremely successfully on 22th January. In this event, GreenHub shared the message “Joining hands to protect the environment for future generations” through communication activities like green lifestyle and environmental painting. The program attracted hundreds of visitors which regardless of age, gender and occupation.

Most visitors paid great attention to current environmental issues and solutions which towards zero waste life. Together, they created a vivid plastic waste picture of the unpredictable impacts on human life, creatures and future generations. Thereby, they send many profound messages then commit to protect environment.

Greenhub would present this picture to more people which aim to perfect and spread out the message “Say no to plastic waste”.
GreenHub would like to thank all the organizers of #Bridgefest 2019 , the enthusiastic volunteers for joining us in the event. And a special thanks to the talented young artists Tuan Viet and Mie for supporting us enthusiastically!