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E-motion – Miniseries Tach Nhua – Ep 5 – Students’ minimalist lifestyle (Part 3): Simplify the refrigerator

Refrigerator – your family’s “stomach” is having to hold too much food and leftovers every day. This not only affects the preservation of food quality but also causes great waste when many foods are often left in the cupboard, unused, expired, and must be thrown away. Moreover, a large amount of plastic waste from plastic food bags in the refrigerator also causes bad effects on the environment.

So how to “free up” space for the refrigerator as well as practice a more minimalist, economical, and environmentally friendly lifestyle? Let’s listen to Podcast #05 “Simplify the refrigerator” to find the answer.

“PlasPics Hunter” contest is organized by For Vietnamese Stature Foundation (VSF), Vietnam Zero Waste Alliance (VZWA), and the Centre for Supporting Green Development (GreenHub). The contest is one of the collaboration activities among the Plastics and Health Action Partnership (PHA) members, funded by The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Duy Tan Plastic Company and Vietcycle Corporation.
