Waste audit program at Ethnic Minority Boarding School of Phu Yen ends up with not only obtaining reliable data of the state of waste in audited units, but also increasing awareness among students in environmental protection.
To have a practical approach, students have directly audited the school waste produced by themselves in daily routine. Thus, students not only understand and practice waste audit and categories, but also found out the real number of how much waste they and their friends are producing into the environment.
After the first few days conducting waste audits, students become initially aware of the pressure they are putting on Mother Earth. Hence, they start immediately taking actions such as not using single-use plastic products and waste sorting resulted in the reduction of waste produced by students of Ethnic Minority Boarding School of Phu Yen, a hopeful sign from the young generation of the province.

Waste sorting, compost making model and collecting recyclable waste are initial efforts to reduce rubbish of the school. Besides, the launching of the Environment Club and introducing making compost in the 10th grade curriculum have shown how strong the determination of teachers and students of Ethnic Minority Boarding School of Phu Yen in dealing with all the organic waste.