The plenary session of the Conference kicking off the development of the National Action Plan to implement the circular economy that took place this morning (February 28) discussed and delivered a strong message about the circular economy as a solution for Vietnam to develop sustainably with a green economy, and a low-carbon economy, helping Vietnam to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.

The Minister of Natural Resources and Environment also shared at the Conference: “Compared with the traditional linear economic model, promoting circular economy actions that contribute to achieving net-zero commitment will definitely bring several benefits to the country and businesses.”

The conference discussed the benefits of the circular economy, which help leverage used materials instead of wasting disposal costs, minimize exploitation and make maximum use of natural resources; minimize waste and emissions into the environment.

Today, The Plastic and Health Action Partnership (PHA) also had a booth at the event to share their activities to promote, improve and propagate the relationship between plastic and health.

This post is implemented within the scope of the project “Local Solutions for Plastic Pollution” (LSPP) sponsored by USAID under the program “Vietnam Local Works for Environmental Health”, implemented by GreenHub and 03 partners (ISPONRE, HUPH-VOHUN, GIMASYS).