If it was 10 years ago, surely few of us would have thought about reducing plastic or not using plastic bags, or a life without waste. But with the acquisition of knowledge, understanding and concern about the environment, Green Lifestyle, Green Consumption, and a series of Green activities for the environment have become extremely familiar and popular.
So at the moment, what are people thinking about reducing plastic waste? The facts show that:
About 90% of the interviewees said that it is necessary to reduce the use of single-use plastic products while only 6% answered that it is not necessary.
? 95.4% of respondents believe that garbage should be sorted at their household before collection;
? More than 70% of respondents answered “Yes” to “Paying for substitutes” and “Increasing taxes on businesses producing plastic products”;
? 81.3% and 76.9% said that environmental state management agencies and environmental companies are responsible for reducing plastic waste.

Reducing plastic waste is essential and requires everyone's participation. And together, you can improve the knowledge of yourself and your family and friends by participating in environmental activities such as:
?Participate in Environmental Speech Contest: GreenTalk 2021
Details: http://bit.ly/Vongloai_GreenTalk2021
Registration: http://bit.ly/GreenTalk2021
Seminar: Plastic and life: Sharing the problems of plastic waste, its impact on human life and health, the speakers will also share about GreenHub's activities in this area.
Registration information: https://forms.gle/ZJtGQmd1q6phtWb87
– Time: 14h-17h30, March 19, 2021 (Friday)
– Venue: Goethe-Institut, Multipurpose Room, 56-58-60 Nguyen Thai Hoc, Ba Dinh, Hanoi
The data is based on the survey results of 558 subjects, including 347 subjects in 4 project areas: Hanoi, Ha Long, Da Nang and Hoi An and 211 respondents to a semi-structured questionnaire that was shared online.
The project “Local Solutions for Plastic Pollution” (LSPP) is sponsored by USAID under the program “Vietnam Local Activities Project for Environmental Health” implemented by GreenHub with 03 partners (ISPONRE, HUPH-VOHUN, GIMASYS).
The article is in the category Long Reading Deep Understanding: Understanding Garbage. Read, understand and spread good values with GreenHub.