Strong economic growth, urbanization and lifestyle changes in Vietnam have led to a nationwide plastic pollution crisis. Over the past two decades, the amount of plastic used annually in Vietnam has increased significantly, from 3.8 kg/person (1990) to 33 kg/person (2010), 41 kg/person (2015) (BTNMT, 2020) ) and reached the peak of 81 kg/person (2019) (IUCN-EA-QUANTIS, 2020). About 72% of used plastic becomes waste (equivalent to 58 kg of waste/person/year).
More than half of the plastic produced (3.6 million tons/year) is not properly disposed (IUCN-EA-QUANTIS, 2020), with a low recycling rate of about 15% (NPAP, 2020). The rest is buried in landfills, discharged into water sources or burned outdoors. According to environmental researchers, Vietnam is a major source of marine plastic pollution (Jambeck et al., 2015).
The 10 most common types of waste that are leaked into the environment are soft plastic pieces (decomposed pieces from plastic bags); Fishing gear 1 (rope, mesh piece, bait, fishing line, hard plastic buoy); Fishing gear 2 (Floating foam buoy, foam box); Plastic bags (with capacity from 0-5kg); Styrofoam food containers; Pieces of hard plastic; Plastic straw; Food packaging (noodles, instant noodles); Confectionery packaging and Other plastics (diapers, ..).
From the above context, the For Vietnamese Stature Foundation (VSF) and the Centre for Supporting Green Development (GreenHub) decided to jointly organize the contest “Plastic talk – When plastic speaks” with the aim of finding communication products that are creative and pervasive to the community. The contest is accompanied by the Green Eyes Group – Youth for the Environment.
1. Contest purpose:
- Look for communication products that can effectively and attractively convey messages to the community about reducing plastic waste. The winning products will be used in non-profit communication activities about environmental protection and sustainable development.
- Raise awareness among youth and the community about reducing plastic waste as well as encouraging small and practical actions in environmental protection.
- Arousing the passion and creativity of teenagers with communication products on the topic “Plastic talk – When plastic speaks”.
2. Participants:
Vietnamese citizens between the ages of 16 and 30
3. Product form for the contest:
Entries may be presented in one of the following ways:
- Short films, reportage, motion graphics: Each product has a maximum length of no more than 03 minutes, high resolution, full HD format, good sound and image quality (recommend products with voiceovers in Vietnamese and English subtitles).
- Comics, paintings, posters, photos
For digital products: Entries are saved in PDF/JPG/JPEG/PNG format, with a minimum size of 2Mb, a minimum file size of 2,000×3,000 pixels, a resolution of 300 dpi.
For hand-painted, collaged products: Products must be presented on A1 paper size.
- Podcasts: Each product is no more than 20 minutes in length, in MP3, WAV, WMA format using Vietnamese language, limiting noise.
Each author can submit multiple entries.
You can participate individually or in groups of 3.
4. Prizes:
The total prize value is up to 42,000,000 VND. Corresponding to each product category participating in the contest, there will be 3 prizes:
- 1 first prize worth 5 million
- 1 second prize worth 3 million VND
- 1 third prize worth 2 million dong
- ONLY 1 Award that is interesting to the online community worth 2 million
*each prize comes with organization committee certificate and gift
In addition, the winning entries will be displayed and widely promoted in the media and environmental publications of the stakeholders.
All details about the contest can be viewed at this link: https://bit.ly/PlasticTalk