Participate and place your submission here: https://tinyurl.com/ezmf6aw2
Are you a young person who has passions for Tik Tok and currently living, studying & working in the Hoan Kiem district?
Do you have green living ideas and want to spread this idea to other young people?
Then this contest is a huge opportunity waiting for all teenagers & expanding to children in the Hoan Kiem district to participate!
Towards the 67th anniversary of the Liberation of the Capital and the 65th anniversary of the traditional day of the Vietnam Youth Federation, as part of the campaign I love Hanoi in 2021, Hoan Kiem District Youth Union – Youth Federation, in collaboration with Centre for Supporting Green Development – GreenHub, organizes the contest “Small action – Big change” to promote the role of youth union members, teenagers and children as the leading force in reducing plastic waste, towards the green planet!
How to join:
The steps to enter the contest are very simple! Just a Tik Tok clip (about 3 minutes in length) with the content that motivates the green lifestyle and at the same time conveys to everyone the message of green living and environmental protection.
Step 1: Record a video to share and spread the message: Reduce plastic waste (for example, a guide to use environmentally friendly products, say no to nylon bags, single-use plastics, recycling, refuse to use single-use plastics, etc.)
Attention: The video must have the following logo inserted at the top left, in order from left to right: United States Agency for International Development (USAID); Hoan Kiem District Youth Union; 65 years of tradition of Hoan Kiem District Youth Federation; Centre for Supporting Green Development – GreenHub
Look no further, and the above logos are here: https://tinyurl.com/f77c5kkx
Step 2: Upload to your TikTok with the hashtag and send the video to the address: https://tinyurl.com/ezmf6aw2
#tuoitrehoankiem #giamracthainhua #chungtaybaovemoitruong
(Organizing committee will receive official contest videos via this address) Entries will be posted on the Facebook page of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union in Hoan Kiem District & Tik Tok: @tuoitrehoankiem
Step 3: Follow the results on the Facebook & Tik Tok page of the Organizing Committee.
The deadline for registration and submission of the exam will be on October 14, 2021. Be hurry!
Prize information:
The total prize of the contest is up to 10,000,000 VND with extremely attractive gifts, including:
01 Special Prize: 2,000,000 VND with the certificate, 01 secret gift box from GreenHub & medal of Hoan Kiem District Youth Union – Youth Federation.
01 First Prize: 1,500,000 VND with the certificate, 01 secret gift box from GreenHub & medal of Hoan Kiem District Youth Union – Youth Federation.
02 Second Prize: 1,000,000 VND/prize with the certificate, 01 secret gift box from GreenHub & medal of Hoan Kiem District Youth Union – Youth Federation.
03 Third prizes: 500,000 VND/prize with certificate, 01 secret gift box from GreenHub & medal of Hoan Kiem District Youth Union – Youth Federation.
01 Voting Prize: VND 1,000,000 with the certificate, 01 secret gift box from GreenHub & medal of Hoan Kiem District Youth Union – Youth Federation.
For more information about the contest, please refer to this link: https://bit.ly/2ZPhdol.
Contact Info:
☎ Representative of the Hoan Kiem District Youth Union – Youth Federation: Mr. Dam Quang Thanh
– 086.822.9191 (contact via Zalo or contact directly)
☎ Representative of Centre for Supporting Green Development – GreenHub: Ms. Nguyen Phuong Binh
– 035.403.6239 (contact via Zalo or contact directly)
“Small Actions – Big Change” is organized by the Hoan Kiem District Youth Union – Youth Federation in collaboration with the Centre for Supporting Green Development – GreenHub within the framework of the project “Local Solutions for Plastic Pollution” (LSPP); sponsored by USAID, implemented by GreenHub with 03 partners (ISPONRE, HUPH-VOHUN, GIMASYS).