As a leading provider of science applications that enhance quality of life, providing innovative solutions to customers worldwide, 3M Science Applied to Life Company actively supports community projects that work towards sustainable development. For the first time, experts from the 3M Impact 2022 program spent 2 consecutive weeks working to support and enhance GreenHub’s capacity in many areas such as project management, human resource management, and communications…
3M experts spent time talking with members of GreenHub to understand the actual work, thoughts and feelings of each member, from which to research, analyze to find the most effective solutions. The experts also share their experiences in effectively building a system, discussing in detail the work flow of each units and find out the most efficient way to execute the project in each phase.
The group of experts and GreenHub members discussed and shared many ideas in interesting training sessions on plastic waste – one of the issues that GreenHub is very interested in, project management, human resource management, and communication.
Lead expert Dr. Jonathan Hester said: “We bring here world-class experiences that we hope GreenHub will successfully use to grow further, because of the fact that your organization is growing very strong.”
According to GreenHub Director Trần Thị Hoa, this is really a “golden” opportunity for GreenHub, because it is very difficult to have the opportunity to work directly with leading experts from 3M. “We feel very fortunate to be one of the very few environmental organizations selected by 3M to be supported. The experts dedicated a lot of time to help us gain more knowledge and share a lot of valuable experiences.”