Following the workshop in Indonesia, GreenHub continued to improve our capacity overseas when we was honored to participate in the “Training of Trainers on monitoring and assessment of marine litter and microplastics” from July 25 to July 30. The program was organized by the Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia (COBSEA) and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), with support from the Department of Marine and Coastal Resources. (DMCR), at the Phuket Marine Biology Centre.

At the ToT course, GreenHub also had the opportunity to learn through sharing sessions and most importantly, field research in Phuket.
The training program aims to help participants apply methods of assessing the distribution and abundance of plastic waste, thereby supporting programs in their country with new training contents:
- How to set up a program to monitor and assess the distribution of plastic waste
- Distinguish between different types of surveillance
- Identify suitable monitoring approaches
- Determine the approach needed to select suitable sites for the research process
- How to use data to advocate for policy