The International Workshop ‘Pan-Pacific Blue Shipping’ was held in Vietnam Maritime University, Hai Phong over two days (17-18 April 2017) and was organized by the Vietnam Maritime University, Vietnam Association of Nature and Environment and Pacific Environment.
The workshop convened key stakeholders with the goal to build momentum towards developing responsible shipping practices and action around the Pacific Rim. More than 40 delegates from government, research institutes, and civil society participated in the workshop. Delegates shared experiences and information through presentations and group discussions on:
(i) the environmental impacts of shipping in the Pacific Region;
(ii) the future vision of maritime responsibility for the environment;
(iii) how to successfully mitigate the environmental impacts of shipping; and
(iv) how to respond to threats posed by shipping.
GreenHub’s Director, Mrs. Tran Thi Hoa, shared GreenHub’s experiences of marine waste management in Vietnam and the importance of increasing the involvement of stakeholders, including the private sector, in projects to protect coastal ecosystems.
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GreenHub Director Mrs. Tran Thi Hoa speaking at the 'Pan-Pacific Blue Shipping' International workshop.[/caption]
The workshop concluded with the development of a workshop recommendation addressed to relevant shipping regulators, industry, and research institutes, which outlined a number of actions that could be implemented to reform and transition the shipping industry in South East Asia to become more sustainable. The recommendation included the importance of using legislative mechanisms and existing international conventions to protect marine conservation areas, transitioning towards cleaner fuel sources, increasing the safety, security and emergency response of the industry, and targeting measures to eliminate plastic waste disposal into the marine environment. Participants also agreed to form a coalition of stakeholders to further promote this issue to the international community.