GreenHub: Participate the "IUCN Asia Strategic Communications for Conservation" workshop in Bangkok
As a recipient of the IUCN Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund, GreenHub representative attended the "IUCN Asia Strategic Communications for Conservation" workshop held in Bangkok from 5 to 7 July 2017. The workshop was facilitated by Peter-Paul Van Kempen and Fritz Hesselink, IUCN Commission on Education and Communication, and Ann Moey, Head of Communications, IUCN Asia, and bought together 40 participants from 11 countries, including Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund recipients, Mangroves for the Future National Coordinators and IUCN Communications departments.   The main objective of the workshop was to build participants’ capacity to effectively engage and influence key target audiences, such as government and the private sector, in particular, when communicating project results, lessons learned, and ‘stories of change’. Besides equipping participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to identify ‘stories of change’, the workshop also aimed to provide participants with a clear understanding of the importance and advantages of using strategic communications to contribute convey these stories, contributing to the sustainability of a project. The workshop also aimed to strengthen coordination to support communication between participants and across the region.

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