Zero waste school and Clean water model to create a Healthier Education Environment for highland students of Viet Nam
AuthorAdmin 01

Project objectives:

1. Increase knowledge about the environment in general, clean water in particular, in order to have resilience and protect the health of students at Phieng Luong Primary and Secondary Ethnic Day-Boarding School.

2. Increase access to knowledge and practices on waste management, water pollution and environmental protection for community and children’s health.

3. Improve conditions for using clean water in the living and learning environment for highland boarding students who face many difficulties due to rugged terrain and lack of facilities.

Project outcome:

  • A set of learning and teaching documents on the topic of clean water to provides practical information about clean water and guidance on water treatment practices to increase access to clean water and protect water sources from waste for students and teachers as well as the highland community
  • The visual learning tool helps bring knowledge, skills to highland students in waste management and clean water use through experiential and hands-on methods.

Target Groups: Phieng Luong Ethnic Primary & Secondary School


·       Students[1] (282 primary and 146 secondary)

·       Teachers (27);

·       Provincial Department of Education & Training staff (10)


Project Location:

-          Main school: Phieng Luong Primary and Secondary Ethnic Day-Boarding School in Phieng Luong commune, Bac Me district, Ha Giang province

-         02 satellite schools: Cum Nhung site and Phieng Luong site in Phieng Luong commune, Bac Me district, Ha Giang province

[1]   Students are 90% poor family students, including 05 disabled students. Students are 99% ethnic minority, mainly the Hmong ethnic  


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