Developing and Implementing GreenHub organizational strategies and plans in conservation (CEPF)
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The project is donated by the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF)/International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The project will provide Green Hub as a new NGO with essential support and skills to prioritize its work programme focus and activities, communicate effectively and secure funding over the longer term. The project will focus on the core, organizational needs of GreenHub as a new, domestic NGO in Vietnam, focusing on the factors that, if addressed, can stimulate organizational growth in a professional and sustainable manner.


- The development, with experts advice and coaching of a clear national strategy based on credible information for GreenHub’sprogramme of work, with feedback from stakeholders

- The development of communications and fundraising plans to support this strategy

- The development of one local KBA-Level strategy (Cat Ba; Vietnamese KBA 23) with local community and protected area management participation to increase GreenHub programme effectiveness at a local level and serve as an organizational development model

- Strengthening of GreenHub leadership skills in the development of these products

- Developing selected communication materials, especially website for introduction GreenHub with relevant stakeholders and the public.

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